
Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) are underwater robots that are connected through cables to the surface. These cables transmit command and control signals between the operator and the ROV, allowing remote navigation of the vehicle.

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State of the art equipment

Tritonia uses Blue Robotics observation class ROVs (BlueROV2-R2 and BlueROV2-R3) combined with WaterLinked underwater positioning technology. The systems have been modified by us to use real-time kinematic (RTK) alignment that produces highly accurate and precise surveying and monitoring solutions but at affordable rates.

Enhanced Imagery and Efficient Data Processing

The Blue Robotics platform allows us to attach additional high-definition underwater video cameras and video lighting to deliver superior imagery for subsequent analyses. The video footage can also be fully synchronised with depth and positional data to enhance survey visualisation.

Innovative camera positioning software can be used to georeference single images providing the capability to rapidly relocate and track selected marine features. The same software significantly reduces processing time when using the ROV for mapping and/or underwater photogrammetry.

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- tritonia
- tritonia
- tritonia
- tritonia

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Want to work with us?


Fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you once we’re dry and on land.

Or contact us by phone or email:

+44(0)1631 559211

[email protected]