

Advanced Biosecurity Surveys

Tritonia Scientific leads the forefront in conducting comprehensive biosecurity surveys meticulously designed to mitigate the risks associated with biological fouling and invasive species settlement. Our expertise extends to harbours, piers, and various sub-surface structures vulnerable to biological encroachment. With a team of divers holding graduate or postgraduate qualifications in Marine Science, we ensure rigorous survey methods that minimise the spread of alien species.

Employing advanced sampling techniques, our surveys are geared towards identifying, monitoring, and managing invasive species, playing a pivotal role in preserving the ecological balance of marine environments.

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Invasive Species Identification and Management

Through our specialised services, Tritonia Scientific addresses the critical challenge of identifying and managing invasive species, particularly focusing on the highly invasive carpet sea-squirt, Didemnum vexillum. Our team employs cutting-edge methodologies and extensive knowledge to accurately detect and monitor the presence of this and other invasive species. By leveraging our expertise in Marine Science and biosecurity, we offer targeted management strategies to prevent and control the proliferation of these harmful organisms.

Our approach is founded on a commitment to safeguarding marine ecosystems, working collaboratively with stakeholders to implement effective measures for the sustainable management of invasive species.

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Impacts of “Reef Star” coral restoration on multiple metrics of habitat complexity
Ecosystem engineers enhance the multifunctionality of an urban novel ecosystem: Population persistence and ecosystem resilience since the 1980s


Seabed Survey: Sea pens & Nephrops burrows
Here we surveyed a section of seabed at a depth of 20 m
Rock Anchor

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Or contact us by phone or email:

+44(0)1631 559211

[email protected]

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