

Using 3D photogrammetry to create highly accurate visual computer models

Our models visually expose structures or environments that are not possible to see using traditional methods, producing permanent records that can be continuously assessed and used for whatever the client needs. We make the water disappear virtually, producing clear visibility even in turbid or low-light conditions.

The models generate accurate and dependable data giving confidence for important management decisions and regulatory reporting. Precision and accuracy achieved using:

  • High-end through-water GPS systems for georeferencing;
  • Lasers or delineated markers for scaling and orientation;
  • Salinity-corrected pressure sensors for depth measurement.
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Accurate and reliable observations of underwater structures and environments are vital for the aquaculture industry

Beyond the initial survey requirements, our clients have found additional advantages of the models, including exact positioning as to where environmental samples, such as seabed cores, are taken or where invasive species have been identified during biosecurity surveys.

Precise changes can be identified using comparison software on subsequent models which means that fewer surveys are needed to show what is happening over time.

Enhanced Intertidal Surveying: Precision Mapping for Aquaculture

Intertidal surveys employ advanced 3D photogrammetry services using low-tide aerial drone surveys. These capture detailed imagery, creating precise photogrammetric maps for intertidal aquaculture zones. The resulting orthomosaic models integrate geographical data with shore elevation details, offering a comprehensive view.

This detailed insight aids in managing intertidal aquaculture sites with greater accuracy and informed decision-making within the aquaculture sector.

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Click to compare
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Ecosystem engineers enhance the multifunctionality of an urban novel ecosystem: Population persistence and ecosystem resilience since the 1980s
Impacts of “Reef Star” coral restoration on multiple metrics of habitat complexity


Seabed Survey - Ardmucknish Point
scallops nursery just below the kelp forest limit in the Firth of Lorne
Seabed Survey: Sea pens & Nephrops burrows
Here we surveyed a section of seabed at a depth of 20 m

Want to work with us?


Fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you once we’re dry and on land.

Or contact us by phone or email:

+44(0)1631 559211

[email protected]

2018 screengrab 2019 screengrab