MCA Coded Boats

MCA Coded Boats

Tritonia Scientific operates a high speed, MCA-coded support vessel, capable of work from the intertidal zone to 20 miles offshore.

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Reliable Maritime Support for a Diverse Range of Clients

Tritonia’s state-of-the-art support vessel is a versatile and agile platform, capable of handling a wide spectrum of underwater operations from the intertidal zone to depths of 20 miles offshore. This rapid response vessel ensures seamless and efficient marine support services for clients across the UK, making it ideal for responding to urgent marine emergencies and conducting time-sensitive scientific surveys.

Our team of experienced Yachtmaster-qualified skippers offers reliable and professional maritime support to a diverse range of clients, while their RYA registered Powerboat Level 1 & 2 training centre empowers aspiring powerboat enthusiasts with the skills and confidence to navigate the marine environment safely and effectively.

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- tritonia
- tritonia
- tritonia

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Want to work with us?


Fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you once we’re dry and on land.

Or contact us by phone or email:

+44(0)1631 559211

[email protected]