Oil and Gas

Oil and Gas

Advanced Photogrammetry Services in Oil and Gas

Tritonia has collaborated with clients in the UK and the international oil and gas sector, providing advanced photogrammetry services. These services encompass surveys to assess underwater structural integrity, accurately evaluate biological growth, and support infrastructure decommissioning.

Our 3D photogrammetry modelling predominantly relies on imagery collected via remotely operated vehicles (ROVs). We assist companies in optimising ROV operations to ensure efficient surveys. Additionally, we utilise ‘video of opportunity’ from ROV surveys to generate 3D models, including historical footage for creating model time series.

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The fundamental approach that we take at Tritonia is one of problem-solving.

We can adapt the services we offer to provide our clients with solutions that best match the operational requirement within the context of reliable supporting evidence. Past examples include:

  • Estimating volume and weight of biological growth on underwater infrastructure.
  • Creating detailed 3D models of oil rig jackets.
  • Collaborating with the industry to assess the feasibility of 3D in-situ measurements for underwater structure cuts.
  • Generating 3D models of pipe cuts.
  • Assessing biological communities’ resilience to ‘artificial reef’ platform decommissioning methods.

Biological Growth Assessment

Tritonia excels in estimating and validating biological growth on underwater infrastructure for the oil and gas industry. Our services provide accurate assessments of volume and weight, offering vital insights for maintenance and preservation strategies. Through meticulous analysis, we ensure reliable data to support decision-making processes.

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Ecosystem engineers enhance the multifunctionality of an urban novel ecosystem: Population persistence and ecosystem resilience since the 1980s
Impacts of “Reef Star” coral restoration on multiple metrics of habitat complexity


Oyster Farm
High resolution orthomosaic for optimised farm management and assessment of stocks
Glacier - Greenland
Assessment of remotely monitoring temporal changes in ice coverage

Want to work with us?


Fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you once we’re dry and on land.

Or contact us by phone or email:

+44(0)1631 559211

[email protected]