Monopile – Southwold Pier

Marine structures such as this affect the surrounding environment just by their very presence, increasing scour and influencing hydrodynamic conditions. We used photogrammetry to examine how biofouling provides an even more complicated flow around such structures, using high resolution photogrammetry at millimetre scales.
Gigha Pier

Piers and harbours are essential transport and logistical structures, situated in a harsh, corrosive and destructive environment. These structures have often been in place for many decades, and have suffered winter storms and the impact of large vessels. Here we display some of the results of Local Authority commissions to provide baseline surveys of aging […]
Helensburgh Pier

Piers and harbours are essential transport and logistical structures, situated in a harsh, corrosive and destructive environment. These structures have often been in place for many decades, and have suffered winter storms and the impact of large vessels. Here we display some of the results of Local Authority commissions to provide baseline surveys of aging […]
Craighouse Pier – Jura

Baseline surveys of ageing structures for integrity assessment maintenance allocation
Lismore Pier Survey

These structures have often been in place for many decades, and have suffered winter storms and the impact of large vessels