Introduction of New Emergency Hyperbaric Treatment Service in Oban

Introduction of New Emergency Hyperbaric Treatment Service in Oban

Tritonia is pleased to announce the launch of an alternative emergency hyperbaric treatment service in Oban, designed specifically to support commercial diving operations on the west coast of Scotland. This new service is tailored to help diving contractors and their clients meet the requirements of the Diving at Work Regulations.

Since the suspension of the NHS-funded hyperbaric service earlier this year, Tritonia has been actively working to re-establish the vital support that was provided to the diving community by the NHS through the Oban Hyperbaric Unit. Although discussions with the NHS are ongoing, there is currently no indication that the NHS-funded service will resume in the near future.

In response to this gap, Tritonia has secured the appropriate level of medical support and obtained the necessary insurances to operate independently of the NHS system. This new service will work on a formal nomination basis, allowing the Unit to customise services to the specific needs of diving operations.

Diving contractors who wish to nominate Tritonia to provide hyperbaric cover for their operations can do so by contacting the team at [email protected] or on 01631 559211. Tritonia’s experts will guide them through the nomination process and discuss any specific requirements their operations may have. Please note that this service will be provided on a chargeable basis.

It is important to clarify that this new service does not replace the NHS-funded service that was previously available in Oban. Recreational divers and those who have not arranged to nominate Tritonia’s facility are still advised to contact the Scottish helpline operated by NHS Grampian.

“The introduction of this service is a significant step in enhancing the safety and operational resilience of commercial diving activities in the region,” said Martin Sayer, the Managing Director at Tritonia.

“The hyperbaric chamber in Oban has historically played a critical role in ensuring the well-being of divers suffering from decompression illness, and we are committed to continuing this essential service.”

For more information, please contact: Martin Sayer
Managing Director
Tritonia scientific
Tel: 01631 559211
Email: [email protected]

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